Sixth Form Personal Development Week
MSJ Sixth Form had a fantastic Personal Development week which provided pupils with valuable experiences and skills that go beyond the classroom. These are the activities they participated in:
BBQ & Quiz Night: The quiz was a fun and engaging way to test their knowledge and critical thinking. It also encouraged healthy competition and teamwork. The barbecue was a great opportunity for the pupils to socialise and enjoy delicious food outdoors. It also promoted a sense of community and relaxation.
Motivational Speaker: They were fortunate to have the experience of a motivational speaker (Sian Gray Youth Coach) who delivered a Leadership Workshop. The focus was on each pupil becoming the best version of themselves; they looked at techniques that strengthen their active listening skills, and they discussed the benefits of asking powerful, open questions. They observed different personality and character traits, and took part in an experiment that explored a deeper understanding of who each person is as an individual. Lastly they participated in a quiz to understand and discover their own personality type. They also learned tips and tricks for job interviews and created a personal statement that stood out.

Yoga: They took part in Yoga, an excellent activity for personal development which also promotes physical fitness, stress management, and mindfulness. It aided the pupils to find balance and peace in their lives.
Street Dance: The Street Dance activity was a high-energy and creative form of dance promoting physical fitness and encouraging self-expression and confidence.
Overall, the combination of activities covered various aspects of personal development, including intellectual, social, emotional, and physical well-being. It was a well-rounded approach to help pupils grow and develop as individuals.