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MSJ Sixth Form

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MSJ Sixth Form

Sixth Form at Malvern St James marks an exciting departure away from the Senior School. These two years, as you transition towards university and a life beyond school, are incredibly important. It is our job to expertly guide you, whilst allowing all our pupils the freedom and independence to flourish as individuals. Most importantly, we want all our Sixth Form pupils to thrive academically and socially.

The size of our Sixth Form means that we know each girl’s strengths and can offer her the individual attention she needs to fulfil her potential. Our team of dedicated tutors draws on a wealth of experience to ensure girls feel fully supported and guided throughout the UCAS process, whilst never failing to provide exceptional pastoral care. The majority of pupils achieve a place at their first-choice university, with bespoke preparation programmes well established for Oxbridge, Medicine, Veterinary Science and Law.

For girls considering alternative routes after their A Levels, we are pleased to support pupils applying for apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships, as well as girls planning their Gap Year.

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From the beginning of Year 12, MSJ Sixth Formers are encouraged to aspire high. Pupils are stretched academically by virtue of our small classes and individual learning styles are celebrated. All Sixth Formers are encouraged to take an active role in the Young Academic Performers’ Platform where girls present on an issue about which they feel passionate and answer questions from the floor.

Our university preparation programme starts in earnest in Year 12 with all pupils attending the UCAS Convention in Newport. Here pupils are invited to interact with representatives from 100s of universities and ask questions to leading admissions experts. In the Spring Term, Oxbridge aspirants begin a bespoke extension programme which deepens their subject knowledge whilst nurturing confidence and building self-belief.

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With the support of subject specialists, pupils are encouraged to take ownership of their own progress and enjoy developing key skills which will allow them to flourish at university and beyond. Our bright and homely Sixth Form Centre provides pupils with a variety of work spaces including comfortable private study rooms alongside airy communal work areas and a friendly sitting room.

The Extended Project Qualification allows girls to explore their own academic interest and is increasingly forming an important part of leading universities’ portfolio of offers to applicants. The CTH Leith’s Professional Cookery Course is another platform which allows girls to develop core life skills before university. Similarly, many pupils are actively involved with the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme which ensures they learn to be resilient and self-reliant. Lastly, the ability for pupils to board on a flexible basis is a fantastic way for girls to take the first tentative steps towards living away from home.

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All pupils in the Sixth Form are expected to serve the School community as role models and we offer broad leadership opportunities to those that can demonstrate commitment, initiative and motivation.

Our popular Sports Leaders Programme also trains girls to manage their time effectively whilst working to develop the potential in others. Those with a bug for entrepreneurship can also lead through the Young Enterprise Scheme whereby Sixth Formers serve as Managing Directors of their own companies. MSJ girls are encouraged to give back to the community through our Community Service programme which includes working with local food banks, care homes and an established connection with Malvern Special Families. A biannual trip to The Gambia sees pupils work together to raise money to fund and set up social and educational projects across communities in need.

MSJ Exam Results

A Level Results 2024

Year 13s at Malvern St James Girls’ School in Malvern, Worcestershire, are celebrating a fantastic set of results today as the A Level awards land and University places are confirmed. Headline news is that grades across the board are up on 2023, with nearly 40% at A*-A, nearly 75% at A*-B and 91% A*-C, with a 100% pass rate. Almost 20% of the cohort received at least three A Levels at A*- A grade. 35% of the cohort achieved 4 A Levels each, with 50% of these achieving A*-B in all four subjects.

Crucially, 90% of pupils obtained their place at their chosen university. Half of the cohort has gained places at the most competitive and academically demanding universities: Durham, Exeter, Bristol, UCL, Bath and Warwick. We also have a larger number of pupils than usual going to international universities, notably in Canada, the US and Hong Kong.

The breadth of girls’ interest is demonstrated in the undergraduate courses that they will be studying. Pupils will take up places in the Autumn to read Medicine at Sheffield, Veterinary Science at Bristol, Psychology at Exeter, Biomedical Science at UCL, Fine Art at the University of the Arts London, Geography at Durham, Fashion Design at Leeds, Ancient History at Cardiff, and Ecology, Sustainability and Economics at York, to mention just a few.



GCSE Results 2024

MSJ is celebrating outstanding GCSE results, with 80% of grades being 9-6 (A*-B equivalent).  This compares to 32.3% for Worcestershire, and 35.7% for the whole of England – an incredible achievement which emphasises yet again the academic excellence offered by an all-girls’ school.

Across the full range of GCSE options, girls have gained very strong results. Most notably in Geography, Music, Further Mathematics and Art where grades 9-7 achieved were 75% or higher.

The most popular subjects included Biology, where 65% achieved grades 9-7; Chemistry and Physics, where 60% achieved 9-7 in both subjects; Food Prep and Nutrition, where 78% achieved 9-7; and Art & Design, where 62% achieved 9-7.


hResults 2023

hResults 2022

hResults 2021

hResults 2020

What subjects are taught at MSJ Sixth Form

In the Sixth Form, self-study and independence of thought are essential to succeed at A Level. A more analytical and investigative approach in lessons creates a dynamic academic culture. This allows for lively classroom debate as pupils explore the subjects they love with confidence and autonomy.

Girls are encouraged to take either an Extended Project Qualification to allow for in-depth research into an area of their choice, or follow the CTH Leith’s Professional Cookery Course, providing a qualification recognised by Universities for its rigour and development of skills beyond the curriculum.

MSJ Sixth Form has a vibrant social programme of cultural trips and excursions which allows girls greater freedom and flexibility in their Sixth Form years.

We offer a wide choice of A Level subjects where inspirational teaching and small classes enable girls to achieve outstanding results. Click the images below to download more information about your chosen subjects.

All courses are available subject to demand; a course may not run if there is insufficient demand.

MSJ Sixth Form Day Girls

We have around 200 day girls at Malvern St James with the remaining pupils flexi, weekly or full boarding. This mix creates a wonderful environment in which all pupils can get the best of both worlds. Day pupils are mostly from Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Monmouthshire.

We are the only all-through girls’ school in the county and therefore we are the school of choice for many local families looking for an enriching single-sex educational experience for their daughter.

Years 9-13 Day fees include 3 free nights boarding per term, which pupils find are particularly beneficial in the Sixth Form.

Independence in the Sixth Form

Sixth Form Pupils are encouraged to structure their time balancing study with involvement in the school community; once formal lessons end at 16:00, many chose to stay either to study in the Sixth form centre – the dedicated Sixth Form only area, or in their boarding house, or take part in activities until the end of the formal school day at 18:00.

The independence afforded to Day pupils enables them to effectively build their work schedules and allows them to explore how to combine academic study with additional commitments both in school and out, such as attending driving lessons.

Getting to School

Whilst some girls are dropped off by their parents, many girls use the school bus or even catch the train. There are nine bus routes covered by Malvern St James, serving four different counties, each with a number of collection points. Great Malvern train station is located across the road from the School with direct trains Worcester, Hereford, London Paddington and Birmingham.

A place on the School bus is available on a termly basis. If you have more than one child using the service we offer a sibling discount of 50% for the second child.

A place on the bus can be shared between two families, for example, if your daughter only uses the route in the morning, you would be welcome to ‘share’ the place and cost with a friend whose daughter uses only the return trip.

The School is happy to offer occasional use to families, in the case of emergencies and if there is a seat available on the required route (for example, if a parent’s car has broken down).

Malvern St James Bus Routes

Train Routes to Malvern St James

Flexi Boarding

Many families find flexi-boarding a great option for their daughter. Some girls who come from slightly further afield, perhaps Oxfordshire, The Cotswolds, or Staffordshire, take advantage of one to three nights flexi-boarding a week. This allows girls the chance to engage with evening activities, whether academic or social and allows for a slightly later wake up call in the morning as she will be staying on site. Day girls are each given two to three nights boarding per term at no additional cost so every girl can take advantage of boarding life at Malvern St James.

Wraparound Care

Wraparound care is offered for all pupils and girls can be looked after in School before morning registration and following the end of the School Day, where they are welcome to join the Boarders for Supper and go to the Boarding Houses.

MSJ Sixth Form School Day

Registration (all girls should be in their classroom for Registration) 08:20 – 08:25
Assembly/Tutor Time/Hymn Practice 08:30 – 08:50
Period 1* 08:50 – 09:25
Period 2* 09:30 – 10:00
Break 10:00 – 10:20
Period 3 10:20 – 10:50
Period 4 10:50 – 11:25
Period 5 11:30 – 12:00
Period 6 12:05 – 12:35
Lunch 12:35 – 13:35
Period 7 including Registration 13:35 – 14:05
Period 8 14:10 – 14:40
Period 9 14:45 – 15:15
Period 10 15:20 – 15:50
Break 15:50 – 16:00
Early Minibuses Leave 16:10
Periods 11-12 Activities/Prep 16:00 – 17:00
Periods 11-12 Activities/Prep 17:00 – 18:00
Minibuses Leave 18:10
Supper, Sixth Form 18:00

*On Mondays Periods 1 and 2 start five minutes earlier and break begins at 09:55.

Friday Exeat timings

The School day starts with Registration at 08:20 as usual but then shifts forward by 30 minutes with Period 1 beginning at 08:30. The School Day ends at 15:30.

MSJ Minis

MSJ Sixth Form

MSJ Prep

MSJ Seniors