Years 10 – 11 GCSE

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Teaching & Learning at GCSE

We offer an exceptional choice of subjects at GCSE/IGCSE and support pupils in choosing a broad and balanced selection that allows them to play to their individual aptitudes and aspirations, whilst keeping their options open for the next stage of their academic lives. A mixture of GCSEs and IGCSEs are offered, both are fully recognised by universities and employers.

Five core examination subjects are taken by pupils, including Combined Science, which is worth two GCSEs. Triple Science, which is equivalent to three GCSEs, is one of the subject option choices:

English Language
Your Subtitle Goes Here

At GCSE you will continue to develop your expertise in reading, writing, speaking and listening. In English Language you will learn to appreciate high-quality contemporary writing and enjoy the creativity involved in developing your own writing skills. You will be encouraged to develop your creativity and your ability to explain your understanding in a precise and analytical way.


The English Language qualification involves you working with well-chosen passages of skilled and effective writing from a variety of sources, developing your skills to comment on these with insight and producing your own writing using techniques you will have discovered in your reading. Sustaining your own private reading is the best possible way to support your progress in this subject.


OCR GCSE English Language (J351)
The English Language GCSE is examined in two papers of two hours each, one based on informative modes of writing (such as factual accounts or autobiographical experiences) and the other on more explicitly creative work (such as extracts from novels). In each paper you will spend one hour on comprehension and analysis of the given passages, and the second hour creating an original piece of writing in response to a given theme. In addition, there is a Speaking component that you will take in ‘in the Spring Term of Year 11. Although this is a compulsory part of English Language GCSE, you will receive a separate grade (Pass, Merit or Distinction) that will appear alongside your grade for English Language.


Dr S Harrison

English Literature
Your Subtitle Goes Here

At GCSE you will continue to develop your expertise in reading, writing, speaking and listening. In English Literature you will study a sample of the rich heritage of interesting and stimulating writing in English, and learn to discuss and analyse texts in depth. You will be encouraged to develop your creativity and your ability to explain your understanding in a precise and analytical way.


For the English Literature qualification, you will study four texts from a range of genres and time-periods, representing a good introduction to what Literature has to offer. One of these texts will be one of Shakespeare’s best-loved plays, another will be a classic novel from the nineteenth century, one will be a short anthology of classic and modern poetry, and finally there will be a stand-out text of modern literature (either drama or prose). Texts are chosen with a view to supporting your enjoyment of reading and extending your appreciation of great writing.


OCR GCSE English Literature (J352)

The English Literature GCSE is examined in two papers, each of two hours. There is some variation in the styles of question set for the different texts, but in all cases you are required to to write responses to questions showing understanding of the text as a whole and appreciation of its writing qualities in detail.


Dr S Harrison

Your Subtitle Goes Here

Mathematics is challenging, creative and enables your mind to analyse and solve problems. It is a must for many careers. Mathematics is a compulsory subject with the IGCSE course starting in Year 9.

For some at the top end of the ability range, the Mathematics IGCSE course also leads to a further qualification of Level 2 Certificate in Further Mathematics.


The course contains a variety of topics across number, algebra, shape and data. This includes topics you have met before, such as fractions and some new ones, such as differentiation. The course is taught as a series of topics lasting around two to five lessons each.



There are two calculator papers, each worth 50%. The examination paper contains a series of structured questions, stepped in difficulty, presented with space under each question in which to write your answer. Mathematics IGCSE is assessed on the 9-1 grading scale. Higher tier is assessed at grades 9-3 while Foundation tier is assessed at grades 5-1. The vast majority of girls at MSJ sit Higher tier.

Optional for the most able: AQA Level 2 in Further Maths 8365 

There are two papers, each worth 50%. Paper 1 is non calculator whereas Paper 2 requires a calculator. The examination paper contains a series of structured questions, stepped in difficulty, presented with space under each question in which to write your answer. Level 2 Further Maths is assessed on the 9-1 grading scale. 


Mrs E Bell

Combined Science (2 GCSEs)
Your Subtitle Goes Here

All three sciences, Biology, Chemistry and Physics are studied throughout Years 9, 10 and 11; this is the case for both the Combined and Triple Science courses.


Biology: Cell structure and transport, cell division, organization and the digestive system, breathing and gas exchange, communicable diseases and the defenses against disease, photosynthesis, respiration, homeostasis and the nervous system, reproduction and inheritance, genetics and evolution, interdependence of living organisms.

Chemistry: Atomic structure and the periodic table; Bonding, structure and the properties of matter; Quantitative chemistry; Chemical changes, Energy changes; the rate and extent of Chemical change; Organic Chemistry; Chemical analysis; Chemistry of the atmosphere; Using resources.

Physics: Conservation and dissipation of energy, Energy transfer by heating, Energy resources, Electric circuits, Electricity in the home, Molecules and Matter, Radioactivity, Forces in balance, Motion, Force and Motion, Wave properties, Electromagnetic waves, Electromagnetism.



The scheme of assessment is linear, with six question papers taken in the same examination series e.g. at the end of Year 11: Biology Paper 1, Biology Paper 2, Chemistry Paper 1, Chemistry Paper 2, Physics Paper 1 and Physics Paper 2.

Each paper is 1 hour 15 minutes long and consists of multiple choice, structured, closed short answer and open response questions (70 marks). Each paper will assess knowledge and understanding from distinct topic areas.

Assessments are available at Foundation or Higher Tier. You must take the same tier for all three sciences; you are not allowed to take different tiers for Biology, Chemistry or Physics.


Mrs Isla Whitmore

Miss Tara Phillips

Mr P Forsyth

Triple Science (3 GCSEs)
Your Subtitle Goes Here

This course is an excellent preparation for A-Levels in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Your knowledge and understanding of the world around you will be increased and extended.


All topics covered in the combined science course are taught, plus further topics. Here is a selection of the additional TS topics:

Biology: The brain and the eye, plant hormones and responses, thermoregulation, kidneys, DNA structure and gene expression, theories of evolution and speciation, sustainability and biomass transfers in ecosystems.

Chemistry: The Transition Elements, Nanoparticles, Titrations, Chemical cells and batteries, Alcohols, Carboxylic acids and esters, Polymers, Glass, Ceramics and Composites.

Physics: Force and pressure; Light, including reflection, refraction, colour and lenses; Space, including the formation of the Solar System, the life history of a star and the beginning and future of the Universe.


AQA Biology 8461
AQA Chemistry 8462
AQA Physics 8463

The scheme of assessment is linear with two papers being taken in each subject in the same examination series i.e. at the end of Year 11.

Each paper is 105 minutes and consists of multiple choice, structured, closed short answer and open response questions (100 marks). Each paper will examine on distinct topic areas within the GCSE syllabus but will include questions of factual recall, practical application and evaluation as well as application of knowledge and understanding. Assessments are available at Foundation and Higher Tier.


Mrs Isla Whitmore

Dr S Guy

Mr P Forsyth

Choosing your GCSE Subject Options

In addition to the five core subjects, we recommend that pupils take a Language and a Humanities subject as well as a Creative Arts or Technology subject, such as Drama or Music. These encourage problem-solving skills, performance skills and lateral thinking skills that future employers will value. If you are an able linguist, you could consider continuing with two languages at GCSE.

We recommend that girls take 9 GCSEs in total, although some may choose 10. Click the images below to download more information about your chosen subjects.

Triple Science

Opportunities for MSJ Seniors

In order to ensure a well-rounded education, all pupils also have lessons in PSHEEC, Careers and PE and in addition are allocated periods of Personal Study every week.

Your Subtitle Goes Here

At MSJ, the Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme is embedded from Key stage 3 onwards.

As girls progress through the school, careers meetings are arranged to take place during independent study periods. For any pupils wishing to undertake independent research, they have access to the resources on the Careers and Higher Education Team. This team contains a range of material to help pupils explore the breadth of options available to them in the future.

As part of the PSHEEC programme, pupils explore the range of subjects available to them, look at how to make decisions and use the Unifrog online platform. Unifrog matches pupils’ skills and interests to careers and suggests helpful subject choices.

A comprehensive programme of careers themed talks take place throughout the school year and are open to pupils from year 7-13. Examples of past lectures include, Study in the USA, Degree & Higher Apprenticeships and talks from our Alumnae about their career paths. In Year 11, pupils gain first-hand experience of the workplace through a dedicated work experience week.

Physical Education (PE)
Your Subtitle Goes Here

In Years 10 and 11, all girls participate in two double lessons of non-examined Physical Education per week.

During these lessons in Year 10, they continue to develop skills and tactics in each of our traditional team sports, but alongside these, a number of new activities are introduced. In Year 11, they can then make informed choices and select from a variety of activities on offer. An optional Full Course GCSE PE is also offered, as detailed above.

Your Subtitle Goes Here


PSHEEC supports pupils to become successful learners, confident, respectful individuals and informed and responsible citizens. It does not lead to an examination or qualification. We cover all topics required by the government statutory guidelines on Relationship and Sex (RSE) and Health Education. Pupils learn about:

  • Personal Wellbeing
  • Social Wellbeing
  • Health (including Mental Health)
  • Economic Wellbeing and Financial Capability
  • Citizenship

PSHEEC is delivered in a variety of methods. We host various external specialists to deliver sessions, specialists within our School community, including our Health Centre staff and our E-Safety co-ordinator.

Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, Arabic and Sign Language may also be taken as paid extras.

A curriculum EAL class is taught for those who would benefit from such provision, as allocated by the Head of EAL. Pupils whose first language is not English can take GCSE and A Level examinations in their own languages, where available. This offer is continued into the Sixth Form.

The Learning Development Department employs a graduated response to meet the needs of each pupil. This includes small group interventions as well as individual support lessons.


MSJ Seniors School Day

MSJ Seniors & MSJ Sixth Form (Years 7-13)
Registration (all girls should be in their classroom for Registration) 08:20 – 08:25
Assembly/Tutor Time/Hymn Practice 08:30 – 08:50
Period 1* 08:50 – 09:25
Period 2* 09:30 – 10:00
Break 10:00 – 10:20
Period 3 10:20 – 10:50
Period 4 10:50 – 11:25
Period 5 11:30 – 12:00
Period 6 12:05 – 12:35
Lunch 12:35 – 13:35
period 7 including Registration 13:35 – 14:05
Period 8 14:10 – 14:40
Period 9 14:45 – 15:15
Period 10 15:20 – 15:50
Break 15:50 – 16:00
Early Minibuses Leave 16:10
Periods 11-12 Activities/Prep 16:00 – 17:00
Periods 13-14 Activities/Prep 17:00 – 18:00
Minibuses Leave 18:10
Supper, Sixth Form 18:00
Supper, Years 7-8 18:10
Supper, Years 9-11 18:20

*On Mondays Periods 1 and 2 start five minutes earlier and break begins at 09:55.

Friday Exeat timings

The School day starts with Registration at 08:20 as usual but then shifts forward by 30 minutes with Period 1 beginning at 08:30. The School Day ends at 15:30.

MSJ Senior Day Girls

We have around 200 day girls at Malvern St James with the remaining pupils flexi, weekly of full boarding. This mix creates a wonderful environment in which all pupils can get the best of both worlds. Day pupils are mostly from Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Monmouthshire. We are the only all-through girls’ school in the county and therefore we are the school of choice for many local families looking for an enriching single-sex educational experience for their daughter.

A great perk for day pupils is that fees include some free boarding nights per term which gives them a real taste and experience of boarding that days pupils elsewhere might not have. The School day finishes at 18:00, however, day pupils have the option to finish earlier at 16:00 or to flexi board on certain nights allowing us to create a very tailored experience that fits in with modern family life.

Pupils who remain in School until 18:00 will use this time to complete their homework and participate in extracurricular activities.

Getting to School

Whilst some girls are dropped off by their parents, many girls use the school bus or even catch the train. There are nine bus routes covered by Malvern St James, serving four different counties, each with a number of collection points. Great Malvern train station is located across the road from the School with direct trains from Worcester, Hereford, London Paddington and Birmingham.

A place on the School bus is available on a termly basis. If you have more than one child using the service we offer a sibling discount of 50% for the second child.

A place on the bus can be shared between two families, for example, if your daughter only uses the route in the morning, you would be welcome to ‘share’ the place and cost with a friend whose daughter uses only the return trip.

The School is happy to offer occasional use to families, in the case of emergencies and if there is a seat available on the required route (for example, if a parent’s car has broken down).

Malvern St James Bus Routes

Train Routes to Malvern St James

Wraparound Care at Malvern St James

Wraparound care is offered for all pupils and girls can be looked after in School before morning registration and following the end of the School Day, where they are welcome to join the Boarders for Supper and go to the Boarding Houses.

Boarding at Malvern St James

Girls from Year 3 upwards can full board, weekly board or flexi-board. Flexi-boarding is a great option, some girls who come from slightly further afield, perhaps Oxfordshire, The Cotswolds, Warwickshire or Staffordshire, take advantage of one to three nights flexi-boarding a week. This allows girls the chance to engage with evening activities, whether academic or social and allows for a slightly later wake up call in the morning. Day girls are each given two nights boarding per term at no additional cost so every girl can take advantage of boarding life at Malvern St James.

MSJ Minis

MSJ Sixth Form

MSJ Prep

MSJ Seniors