MSJ Pre-Prep

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MSJ Pre-Prep

A warm welcome awaits you at MSJ Pre-Prep.

We passionately believe the Pre-Prep at Malvern St James provides the best possible start for your child. By building solid foundations to last a lifetime, we begin each child on their personalised learning journey. Our staff are incredibly committed, dedicating time and care to ensure your daughter feels safe, confident and happy from her very first day.

Pre-Prep at Malvern St James spans the three years from Reception (age 4) to Year 2 (age 7). It sets the scene for a child’s educational journey in a warm, secure and creative learning environment.

My daughter feels welcomed, loved and esteemed as a part of the MSJ Prep and this has been priceless, as well as refreshing and life-affirming.

Our main focus has been for our daughter to settle and find happiness within a school setting. We could not have asked for a more nurturing environment for her to do this in. From our early discussions regarding our daughter’s transition to MSJ, we have received thoughtful and considered responses and ideas, demonstrating the schools’ ability to think holistically about our daughter’s needs and experiences. On a day-to-day basis we receive regular updates and feel we are always fully informed of what is happening.”

Meet the team

Mrs Jerram

My name is Mrs Jerram and I teach the youngest girls, aged between 3 and 7, at MSJ. I am deeply passionate about early years education and have been supporting the start of learning journeys for over 25 years.

One thing I cherish most is spending time outdoors, as we venture through our magnificent grounds and discover something new to learn each day. Being part of the whole School community provides significant advantages, as we are an extended family and have access to incredible facilities. When I’m not busy at School, I enjoy exploring the beautiful countryside with Bertie my rather cheeky Vizsla, in addition to spending precious time with my family.

MSJ Pre-Prep Teaching & Learning

In MSJ Pre-Prep we have fully embraced the highly successful Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS). We believe this formative stage of life, when your child is rapidly developing, is so crucial.

We provide the necessary time and encouragement to maximise each girls’ true potential, in a creative and enriching environment, always working closely with parents to achieve an outstanding, nurturing and holistic education.

MSJ Pre-Prep Co-curricular

We believe that for girls to be all-rounded individuals, co-curricular activities need to be embraced alongside academic studies.

Our trips are key elements of the girls’ progress. As part of our programme of activities, the girls are given tasks, problems or physical activities that encourage teamwork and co-operation. The girls support one another in these challenges, understanding the importance of inclusion and developing teamwork skills for life.

The extra-curricular clubs on offer vary from term to term, as we tailor these to the girls interests and the time of year, for example in the Summer Term, there will be more outdoor clubs making the most of our school grounds. We encourage our girls to voice their suggestions. Our wonderful Prep Ambassador put forward a proposal to teachers about running a club for the Pre-Prep with the support of a teacher. We were thrilled at her excellent initiative and together we ran a very successful Slime Club.

Examples of Pre-Prep and Prep Activities

  • Ballet
  • Dance
  • Music Lessons
  • Prep Orchestra
  • All years – but must be learning an instrument and be at least Grade 1 standard
  • Riding (Years 2-6)
  • Sports Clubs (these vary from term to term)
  • Young Investigators

A day in the life

Registration (all girls should be in their classroom for Registration) 08:20
Assembly/Tutor Time/Hymn Practice 08:30 – 08:50
Period 1 08:50 – 09:25
Period 2 09:25 – 09:50
Break 09:50 – 10:20
Period 3 10:25 – 10:50
Period 4 10:50 – 11:25
Period 5 11:30 – 12:00
Period 6 12:00 – 12:25
Lunch 12:30 – 13:30
Registration 13:30 – 13:35
Period 7 13:35 – 14:05
Period 8 14:10 – 14:40

Reflection Time

*Girls in Pre-Prep can go home at 15:05 after Reflection Time

14:45 – 15:05*
After School Activities Club 15:05 – 15:50
Break 15:50 – 16:00
Early Minibuses Leave 16:10
Prep/Activities/After School Club 16:00 – 18:00
Supper 18:00
Minibuses Leave 18:10

Wraparound Care at Malvern St James

Wraparound care is offered for all pupils and girls can be looked after in School before morning registration and following the end of the School Day.

Wraparound care in MSJ Pre-Prep is run by a team of dedicated and qualified Play Leaders from 15:05 onwards for the benefit of parents who cannot collect their children when school finishes. Pupils may choose to attend an activity, otherwise will automatically be sent to the After School Club if parents do not collect them. Pupils remaining on the School premises after 18:00 will be escorted to a Boarding House where facilities are available for pupils to relax or complete prep should they wish to.

Parent Testimonial

“As parents, communication with our daughter’s class teacher has been exceptional; responses have been thorough, child-focused, timely and bespoke to our daughter’s needs. The pastoral approach towards us has been creative and flexible. There is an openness that has allowed us, as parents, to feel valued and listened to.

MSJ Minis

MSJ Sixth Form

MSJ Prep

MSJ Seniors