2024 Schools Guide reveals UK’s best schools for cricket
The UK’s best schools for cricket have been revealed in The Cricketer’s Schools Guide 2024 – with Malvern St James Girls’ School featured in the Top 20 All-Girls’ Schools.
2024’s successful roll call of schools – which features both state-funded and private establishments – was finalised after an exhaustive selection process that saw a huge number submit entries for inclusion in the guide. All entries were then judged against an extensive set of criteria, which included a compelling commitment to cricket in the curriculum, facilities, fixture programmes and coaching.
The Cricketer gathered entries and compiled the leading lists, consulting former England star Lydia Greenway and her coaching initiative Cricket For Girls to select the top 20 all-girls schools.
The Cricketer magazine editor Huw Turbervill said:
“Our 2024 Schools Guide celebrates the best cricket programmes in state and independent schools across the country. The rise of women’s cricket in schools really has been a joy to behold. It is a pleasure to read the write-ups.”
Mrs Leathart, Director of Sport at MSJ said: “MSJ are thrilled to be included in the top 20 Girls Schools nationally for cricket. This is a tremendous accolade and is reflective of the rapid progress our cricket programme is undergoing. It is wonderful to see so many girls accessing and enjoying cricket at the school from our youngest to our most senior pupils.
The next few years heralds further opportunities for growth and expansion of our cricket programme. This year we look forward to introducing junior hardball fixtures to run alongside our existing softball teams. In March we will also be hosting a cricket masterclass for our pupils. There will also be comprehensive staff training across the school so that all teachers involved in the PE and sport programme feel confident in delivering a first-class cricketing experience for our pupils”