
Volunteer at Malvern St James
Malvern St James is appreciative of members of our Community who volunteer for the School. We have had volunteers who help us in the Archives office, and our governing body is made up of volunteers with expertise in particular fields.
The OGA Committee is a volunteer group, as are the Trustees who manage the Association’s investments. We are always grateful to hear from anyone who is interested in being a Trustee or being on the committee, it is good to have representation from all of our founding schools and from different generations of Old Girls, it is a very non-honorous role. The committee meets twice per annum, once in Malvern in the Summer and once online in the Winter. We also encourage Old Girls based overseas to join us and we are able to facilitate your involvement purely online.
The Friends of MSJ is the parents’ association run by a Committee of parents and teachers.
There are many ways that you can work with the school, dependent on your interest and experience. If you feel that you would like to help, please get in touch in the first instance with the Development Director.