• Senior
  • Sixth Form

Year 12 Business pupils visited The Morgan Motor Company to consolidate their knowledge of the different types of productions that is involved in manufacturing automobiles. 

On Tuesday 21 June, Year 12, along with Year 10 pupils, were split into three groups where each got a lengthy tour around the factory. This gave them a chance to see all of the different buildings that make up the factory and the stages of production a car goes through.

The Morgan Motor Company was founded in 1909 with the iconic design of the Morgan Three Wheeler and in 1936, produced the Morgan 4-4. The production of this automobile ran until 2020, making it as the longest-running production car architecture in the world.  

During the tour, pupils got the opportunity to see all of the workers in their specific roles, as they use lean production. It was learned that the Morgan Motor Company also offers a five-year apprenticeship programme where the apprentice would work in every department within the factory. At the end of the five years, the apprentice is then given the option of which department they would prefer to work in. 

Pupils were also informed about the USP of The Morgan Motor Company and that each car is unique and tailored to each customer's desires. This can be the colour, the design and the material of the seats. 

As the tour came to an end, pupils and staff got the chance to look around the on-site museum, which was full of old artefacts such as old car models, all of which reflected the long-running history of the company.