• Pre-Prep
  • Prep
  • Senior
  • Sixth Form

We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to School, our Head Girl for the new academic year, Faye, has a few words for those joining us next week. 

"I hope that you have all had the chance to rest and recuperate after the challenging (and surprisingly very tiring) feat of online learning last term. As we edged closer to normality and return to in-person education, I’d just like to remind everyone that, although it will be great to be reunited with friends after many months, we cannot forget the circumstances in which we find ourselves. It is important that we continue to follow guidance from the school in maintaining social distancing and face coverings where told, as the safety of everyone is of utmost priority.

That said, I, as I hope you are too, am very much looking forward to what awaits in the next academic year and I am sure that we will continue to rise to any challenges we find ourselves facing.

For those of you with mock examinations, I wish you the best of luck. To those of you starting new journeys, whether that be in starting at MSJ as a new pupil or moving up to Prep, Senior or Sixth Form, I hope that you embrace these new challenges and continue to thrive. Enjoy what remains of the summer with your family and friends and I look forward to seeing you all fresh and ready to learn next week."

Faye, Head Girl 2020-2021