• Senior

Congratulations to Beth, Year 7, who reached the final judging round of the TeenTech Awards 2020. With over 1,500 students participating in the TeenTech Awards reaching the final is a great achievement.

Beth entered the Future of Education category under Skills for Tomorrow's World: Thinking Big and Bold with her App called Charity Help. 

Being able to think differently and having the courage to consider new ways of doing things is a highly valuable skill. It often means taking a risk and having the courage to fail and then try again. This award recognises students who have looked at the world and considered fresh solutions.

Her App, Charity Help, is designed to make giving to more than one charity at a time a lot easier. 

About the TeenTech Awards

The TeenTech Awards are designed to encourage students to explore the most important industries of the future, understand key global issues, develop skills and learn more about their own potential to succeed.

Students work on projects from the Autumn, developing ideas and then following a suggested structure to help them progress their thinking. Projects are submitted electronically at the end of the Spring term for judging.