GCSE Results Day 2024

August 22, 2024
Categories: Head | Senior

MSJ is celebrating outstanding GCSE results, with 80% of grades being 9-6 (A*-B equivalent).  This compares to 32.3% for Worcestershire, and 35.7% for the whole of England – an incredible achievement which emphasises yet again the academic excellence offered by an all-girls’ school.

Dr Gareth Lloyd, Head of MSJ, comments, “We are delighted for our Year 11s today as they celebrate an excellent set of GCSE results.  They have worked exceptionally hard and can be very proud of their effort.”

Across the full range of GCSE options, girls have gained very strong results, with notable results in Geography (92% at grades 9-7), French at 88% 9-7 and Spanish at 64% 9-7.  In Music, Further Mathematics and Art, grades 9-6 were achieved in 75%, 87% and 95% of entries respectively.  The most popular subjects included Biology, where 65% achieved grades 9-7; Chemistry and Physics, where 60% achieved 9-7 in both subjects; Food Prep and Nutrition, where 78% achieved 9-7; and Art & Design, where 62% achieved 9-7.

GCSE Results Day!

Dr Lloyd continued, “These girls have really pulled together and kept each other motivated and inspired, especially when the going got tough.  Only today, they are celebrating each other’s results, from those who achieved straight 9s to those who exceeded their expectations as a result of hard work and targeted support from their teachers.”

“Of course, life is about more than grades and a notable fact about those who have achieved best in their GCSEs (and a similar pattern was seen at A Level last week) is that they were the pupils who launched themselves into all aspects of life at MSJ. They got involved with music, drama, sport, leadership, academic ambassadorship and mentoring younger girls. Creating this roundedness and work-life balance is the key to fulfilment and success. Happiness goes a long way to creating learners who are prepared to challenge themselves and go the extra mile.”

“The range of subjects in which they have achieved so well shows the breadth of ability and interests amongst the cohort, in addition to the consistent quality of teaching across all subjects. I am particularly pleased that we have had very good results for Modern Foreign Languages, Music, Drama, Design Technology, and Food and Nutrition, all of which are subjects becoming less widely offered across schools.  Success today ensures that the girls can go on to study the A Levels of their choice.”

Getting their GCSE results!

“I am particularly looking forward to this group of girls being the first to experience our new MSJ Sixth Form Diploma in Global Competencies, as well as lead on our recent membership of the prestigious global Round Square family of schools.  Round Square brings together all-girls, all-boys’ and co-educational schools from around the world – from Australia to India to the US and many more – to collaborate on academic and extra-curricular topics, as well as socials and exchanges, to broaden learning perspectives.”

“I would like to extend my congratulations to all Year 11 students in Malvern and across the country for whom the nail-biting wait is over, and also to parents who have supported and encouraged along the way.”

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