Children’s Mental Health Week is an annual event dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of mental well-being in young minds.
At MSJ, we pride ourselves on our fantastic pastoral provisions, while always expressing the significance of taking steps to take care of our own mental health. During this week, ‘an array of activities was offered’ around school, all with the sole purpose of supporting and providing a fun yet effective step in educating ways to support mental health and wellbeing.
Mrs Wilkinson, MSJ’s Director of Pastoral Care, who organised all activities for this special week, commented:
“Children’s Mental Health Week has brought a plethora of additional fun to the extra-curricular timetable at MSJ. From chalk drawing in the Quad to Yoga and knitting to Circus Skills, pupils have had the opportunity to get involved in lots of well-being activities including ice cream eating and the whole school Pancake Races! I’m so excited about judging all of the Photography Competition Entries over the half-term break and we are all looking forward to taking some ‘time out’ on the newly installed Wellbeing Bench, sponsored by the parents of our Pastoral Prefect, Aita.”
The week started with a Children’s Mental Health Week assembly where pupils were reminded of the importance of self-care and making it a priority during our busy lives.
Pupils attended the ‘Journaling Feelings’ session where they used the time to express their thoughts and feelings through the power of paper and pen. Knitting was another class that enabled them to focus on the creative activity and quiet their minds.
Yoga was also on offer during the afternoon, an exercise that creates a healthy emotional balance. It calms the mind and relaxes the body, but has also proven to benefit a better night’s sleep, Alongside this activity, Circuit Sessions and Dance Workshops were also available for pupils to take part in.

Pupils were able to take part in an MSJ Fun Run at break time over at the Sports Field, and the girls and staff competed against each other. Lots of fun was had by all who took part, including the spectators.
At lunchtime, pupils tried their hand at seed planting, which took place in the Quad. Different seeds were available to choose from with plenty of plant pots and soil. The pupils got a lot of enjoyment in collecting their soil, planting their seeds, and watering them for the MSJ Prep Garden. This was a perfect activity to try something different, contribute to the envirinment, relax the mind and spend some time with friends.

To get their imagination flowing, some of our younger pupils tried their hand at Chalk Drawing. This proved very popular for the girls who enjoyed being out in the fresh air creating various colourful works of art.

The Girls took part in the Annual Ships Pancake races competition. The whole school gathered in the Sports Hall which was filled with excitement from all the girls who took part and cheered for their respective Ships. The finale of the Event involved each Ship Captain taking centre stage to see who could flip their pancake the highest!
In the afternoon we were lucky enough to have the expertise of a local circus performer who taught the girls some amazing circus skills including plate spinning and juggling.

Tasty Treats on Thursday
A chocolate tasting activity on Thursday challenged pupils to identify different brands of chocolate by taste alone, then in the afternoon staff and pupils were treated to an on-site ice cream van, which proved to be the most popular activity of the week.

As part of Mental Health Awareness in general, the School has had the opportunity to work with local Sculptor Simon Probyn in creating a wellbeing bench.
On Friday, members of the MSJ community were invited to place pieces of bamboo into some of the sculpture’s tubes to create ‘bee hotels’ in the upright sections of the bench. Glued tightly in place and drilled to create a hollow centre, we hope that the bamboo will provide refuge for local bees in the same way that pupils and staff can relax on this picturesque bench. To add a personal touch, we have suggested that those adding pieces of bamboo may like to write a wish or the name of someone special to them on their piece of bamboo before adding it to the sculpture – it promises to be a very special addition to our beautiful school setting.
Friday was non-uniform day and we also held a photography competition. In the morning the Year 4 prep girls held an Inspiring assembly titled “I’m happy to be me” which included some wonderful quotes:
“Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have!
In other words, be happy with what you’ve got”!
“If you want to be happy, be”!