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Scholarships and Awards

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Scholarships and Awards

At Malvern St James, Scholarships acknowledge exceptional individual ability and talent in a particular area. They are competitive and are highly valued by universities and future employers. Exhibitions may also be awarded to recognise impressive ability and potential.

A wealth of enrichment and extension activities are available to all girls at MSJ including lectures from inspirational speakers, Somerville Suppers and debates, leadership opportunities and an excellent university preparation programme. In addition to this Scholars are offered a range of bespoke opportunities with considerable value, including mentoring, masterclasses, trips, workshops and regular specialist meetings.

Malvern St James Scholars are expected to make a significant contribution to all areas of School life.

They are expected to participate in all events relating to their specialism and identify ways in which they can use their talents to contribute to the wider School community. They should demonstrate leadership and initiative and perform at a very high standard in their specialist area, showing exemplary commitment and dedication.

Applicants should have considerable potential; ideally, they will already be achieving the best possible marks in their respective fields, whether academic or practical. In addition, applicants should be outstanding role models for other girls.

Senior School Scholarships carry a fee remission of up to 10% for Scholarships and 5% for Exhibitions. The final award will be considered alongside any other bursaries and remissions, the combined total of which will not exceed 40% of fees. Sixth Form Scholarships may carry a fee remission subject to means testing.

All Scholarships are awarded for as long as the pupil remains at the School, provided that their progress, conduct and commitment are excellent, subject to annual review. Applicants can apply for a maximum of two scholarships at each entry point and the maximum number of scholarships that can be held at any one time is two.

Scholarships are available in…


11+, 13+ and 16+


13+ and 16+


13+ and 16+


13+ and 16+


11+, 13+ and 16+


13+ and 16+


11+, 13+ and 16+

In addition to our Scholarships, there is our means-tested bursary programme which includes the Founders’ Awards, Lynne Lindner Award and Elmslie Award. These have a separate process and timeline, and additional information is available on their individual pages.

Further information about scholarship fee remission and bursaries can be found on our Fees and Bursaries page.

Scholarship Deadlines and Schedule

Applications for 2025 are now closed. Please keep an eye on our website for September 2026 application details. If you have any questions regarding scholarships please contact Mrs Munday at mundas@malvernstjames.co.uk

Sixth Form
  • Application Deadline: Friday 25 October 2024
  • Scholarship Assessments: Thursday 7 and 8 November 2024 for practical assessments and Saturday 9 November 2024 for written papers
  • Interviews: Week commencing Monday 18 November 2024. Individual dates and times to be confirmed following assessments.

Download our application forms for Sixth Form Scholarships

Art Scholarship – Sixth Form

Academic Scholarship – Sixth Form

Drama Scholarship -Sixth Form

Equestrian Scholarship -Sixth Form

Music Scholarship – Sixth Form

Sport Scholarship – Sixth Form

Technology Scholarship – Sixth Form

Senior School
  • Application Deadline: Monday 11 November 2024
  • Scholarship Assessments: Thursday 9 and Friday 10 January 2025
  • Interviews: Week commencing Monday 27 January 2025. Individual dates and times to be confirmed following assessments.

Download our application forms for Senior Scholarships

Art Scholarship

Technology Scholarship

Academic Scholarship

Drama Scholarship

Music Scholarship

Equestrian Scholarship

Sports Scholarship

Please note: pupils must be registered with the School before applying for a Scholarship. If you have any questions or for more information about our Scholarship Programme, contact our admissions team: MSJadmissions@malvernstjames.co.uk

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Visits and Open Days

Scholarships and Awards

Fees and Bursaries

Forces families

Entry process

Short stay immersion programme


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