Year 12 students took part in a Round Square Zoom Postcard event hosted by GEMS New Millennium School, in Dubai, UAE, with the theme “Global Connectivity: Building Bridges for a Sustainable Future”.
It was a 90-minute session that brought together around 150 participants from 27 schools in 8 countries (Argentina, Canada, Chile, India, South Africa, UAE, USA and UK).
As part of the session, everyone was allocated to one of the 10 breakout rooms that focused on different aspects of sustainability. Active conversations led by the students took place in each room and they discussed innovative solutions to real world environmental issues.
This is feedback from our students:
It was a great experience to discuss the importance of global environmental challenges with students and teachers from different countries around the world via a Zoom meeting. We were in room 10, which focussed on a discussion around infrastructure development. We looked at a case study about the country of Somalia, which lacks basic infrastructure. We also explored the power of collective action such as economic transformation, advocacy and awareness. While we were discussing, all the students were so engaged that they gave a fantastic comments. The host and students from my breakout room were really friendly and passionate, and they made me feel confident enough to speak up and share my opinion. The discussion allowed us to troubleshoot the real-world issues and provide effective solutions. The whole experience was wonderful, and I highly recommend pupils to join these conferences, as it is a good opportunity to talk to and hear comments from students that come from different countries. It also builds your confidence through the conversation.
I was in room 2, and we talked about aging infrastructures, like bridges, and the damage it can cause, how this environmental crisis can be dealt with and also international relationships. Our host started us with a ice breaker so we could know the other participants better, we played would you rather and it was quite extraordinary how similar or how different our thoughts were, which really emphasises how valuable this experience was. I was able to communicate and exchange the different experiences and cultures we have. There was a girl that really stood out to as she was super enthusiastic about her country – India, and was very informative and prepared for the discussion. There was also a conversation on how the internet could disappear one day and we would have to find other ways to connect which dove us deeper into more political issues and some possible changes the government could do to help with disasters like this. In general the hosts and other participants were extremely encouraging and helpful during both the case study and simulation tasks. They were careful and aware with sensitive topics which made the hour really comforting and enjoyable. I would advise to those who would want to join a Round Square discussion to research the topic given in more depth as it would allow them to form more advanced and meaningful conversations between the other students and less likely to be confused about the subject of discussion. And for people who are indecisive I would recommend this experience as it helps with communication and speaking skills as everyone is expected to join and share their ideas, making it a perfect opportunity to step outside of their comfort zone and expand relationships around the globe.
Room 3 which talked about economic sustainability, it was an interesting discussion and we had an informative presentation from the hosts. Everyone from the room spoke about actions or project they or the school had seen or had done. We discussed the economic situation right now and thought of the ways to improve and maintain it. We were able to discover a new world that we have never seen before, this is was a really wonderful experience and our world perspective has been enriched. This is a very special experience that means you have the chance to find out about interesting event that happen all around the world, listening and sharing your thoughts and to hear the views from students from across the globe. The skill of public speaking can be practiced at this event, and this really helps you will gain confidence through this type of Round Square event. I really encourage and recommend our students to join Round Square to share their thoughts and enrich their understanding. It was very interesting and inspiring event and I can’t wait to attend the next meeting!
The Round Square conference was a great experience where students and teachers from various schools and countries came together on Zoom to discuss important global environmental challenges. In my breakout room, we focused on sustainability, particularly how cultural exchanges could support the development in Sub-Saharan Africa. We looked at a case study on the Maasai Solar project and explored topics such as fundraising and ensuring that underdeveloped communities have the resources they need to thrive. The discussions were insightful, and it was fascinating to hear different opinions from people around the world.
I was in a room that focussed on cultural difference. We had a very interesting discussion with other students from across the globe discussing the Maasai solar project. Many important and thought provoking statements were made, which then sparked questions about the project and the difficulties that may arise. While at first everyone was very quiet in our room, by the end of the session everyone was discussing our topic very passionately. It was a very enjoyable experience and I can’t wait for the next opportunity to attend, or even to host.
This Round Square Zoom postcard event was an interesting discussion where pupils of all different schools and nationalities came together to input ideas and discuss innovative solutions to real world environmental issues. In our room we discussed the future of sustainability, specifically focussing on how cultural exchanges can help sub-Saharan Africa in terms of advancements in technology, agriculture developments and more. We read a case study on the Maasai Solar project and examined concerns such as the dangers of neo-colonialism, fundraising, the impacts of business investments in deprived areas and ensuring under-developed communities have appropriate infrastructure and technology to aid them successfully. It was an engaging experience which showed me new perspectives from pupils across the globe, helping me to gain confidence in public speaking and comprehensively expressing my opinions to new people outside of my own school environment. Though it was nerve-wreaking at first, I would recommend all others to engage in Round Square events too, even if the topic of discussion isn’t necessarily one you feel confidently about. My advice to students is to approach these events with an open mind and without specific expectations. You should be willing to participle and engage in discussion, and if you do, I can guarantee that you too will take away something useful and extend your knowledge and skills beyond the classroom.