About MSJ
Malvern St James Girls’ School is a leading independent day and boarding school for pupils aged 3-18. What makes us distinct and refreshing is our recognition and active support of each girls individual talents, interests and passions.
MSJ doesn’t produce a ‘type’ of girl. We achieve excellent academic results, but we are not an exams factory. Girls can pursue their passions and interests in the field of their choice – all routes are equal. It may be engineering, politics, sport or drama.
We recognise the importance of allowing each individual to flourish.
Girls can be anything they want to be, whether that is a high flying academic, a passionate sportswoman, or both.
Who we are
We are a day and boarding school offering the best of both worlds. Approximately 60% of our pupils are day girls, with 40% boarding; flexi, weekly or full boarding. Our staff are innovative and passionate about their work and our pastoral care is award-winning.
We believe in Growth Mindset where it is not normal nor realistic to be brilliant at everything all the time and our failures inform future success. This is one of the reasons why we put such store on girls taking intellectual and creative risks, together with positive feedback and encouraging participation.
What is MSJ’s mission statement?
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To empower each girl to achieve results that exceed expectations, and to equip them to think independently, discover their own interests and be intellectually curious.
What’s the food like at MSJ?
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Malvern St James Girls’ School holds the Gold award for the Healthier Choices Scheme. The gold level standard acknowledges the commitment to offering freshly prepared food which includes a range of fruit and vegetables, providing healthier options within the menu and achieving excellent food hygiene and safety standards, including the food allergen requirements.
Can you tell us more about your new Head?
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MSJ is Dr Lloyd’s fifth headship in schools in England, Wales and China. With a track record in achieving excellent academic standards, as well as significant growth and innovation, Dr Lloyd has a deep commitment to high quality, all-round education with each individual student’s best interests at the very heart of his work.
Described by Muddy Stilettos Schools Guide as “charming, impressive, approachable and inspiring – just what you need in a Head”, Dr Lloyd was educated at the universities of Exeter, Cambridge, London, Reading, Sheffield and Trinity Laban, in a range of academic disciplines including Music, Modern Foreign Languages, School Management and Philosophy.MSJ is Dr Lloyd’s fifth headship, he has a track record in achieving excellent academic standards, as well as significant growth and innovation, Dr Lloyd has a deep commitment to high quality, all-round education with each individual student’s best interests at the very heart of his work.
Why appoint a male Head to lead an all-girls school?
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Dr Lloyd is an educational leader who cares deeply about outcomes for women. Our highest priority in appointing a new Head was selecting the candidate who would create the right ethos, opportunities and mindset to give our young women the best chance of success on whatever lifepath they choose to travel. We want pupils to feel that there are no limits based on gender, age, race, sexuality or any other identity markers.
Is there a House System at MSJ?
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Yes, however at MSJ they are called “Ships”. The introduction of Ships came from Miss Alice Baird, first headmistress of St James’s, one of our founding schools. Her family had connections with the Navy and the Ships System began in 1938. Every girl at Malvern St James belongs to one of four Ships –Daring, Dragon, Triumph or Vanguard.
Ships compete against each other for the most coveted prize in the School – The Admiral’s Cup. This is awarded to the Ship gaining the most Ship points, which are awarded for academic work and a wide range of activities. There are inter-ship sporting and artistic competitions, as well as some fun events. Points are awarded for effort, co-operation and participation as well as for being successful.
Why all-girls?
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With only girls in the classroom and on the sports field, both intellectual and physical confidence can grow. Every girl has every opportunity to become a leader, a form captain, a Head of House. They learn not just how to shoulder responsibility, but also how to take risks, inspire and lead others. It’s true that ‘real life’ is co-ed, but it’s also true that teenagers are not adults and that by allowing them the opportunity to develop a strong sense of self away from the scrutiny of the opposite sex, girls’ – and boys’ – single-sex schools can help children to become more confident adults.